Tag Archives: without walls international church

A Response To The Last Person Who Wanted So Bad To Post A Comment…

Second Killer in World Champion Boxer, Vernon Forrest Murder Caught. Contact America’s Most Wanted or The Atlanta Police if you have any information on where the other 2 suspects maybe hiding at.

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DeMario Ware Killed World Champion Boxer Vernon Forrest

DeMario Ware is one of the black people who is responsible for ruining the image of Atlanta and disrespecting the history of the civil rights movement led by the late Dr. Martin Luther King. This youngster is just one of the thousands who hate their own race.

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Atlanta, The Black Mecca: A Place Where Vernon Forrest Was Murdered?

Atlanta, The Black Mecca: A Place Where Vernon Forrest Was Murdered? Atlanta, Georgia has been falsely uplifted by African Americans, but the truth must be told, it is a place of death. Unknowingly, by the thousands, African Americans flocked there to escape wherever they are from to live a better life. Black folks go to Atlanta every year, and end up dead.

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God’s Wrath on COGIC, Including the Black Church

Elder Ronald Earl Kimbrew is taking holiness out of COGIC. Although, ministers of all titles have always been is their secret closets of homosexuality, this so-called man of God is boldly turning the Church of God in Christ into a homosexual empire. Note: You can also read more about this on this blog: http://gcmwatch.wordpress.com/2009/01/19/yahoo-gay-ministers-group-founded-by-cogic-elder/.

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No Cursing on Blogs Church Folks

Are you crazy, Marilyn???  Also, are you really saved?  You see, this is a perfect example of church folks using profanity while claiming to be born again Christians.  We refuse to accept any comments from church folks who are suppose to be saved cursing like a running faucet.  If you are truly saved, then you …

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Where is God In Black Churches these days?

Does God exist in the black church or is it nothing more than a night club of gun violence, body shakers and billion dollar funds spoiling the lifestyles of so-call men and women of God.

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Bishop Weeks & His Global Destiny

Bishop Thomas Weeks III as he reminds us, is leading a flock of dumb people. How can they continue to follow this man, after all the lies he’s told and announcing this dumb contest for a new wife is like cow manure on top of a German chocolate cake. I mean, come on folks, this …

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Bishop Weeks Homosexual Affairs While Looking For A Wife

I wanted to tell him “Negro, go comb yo’ nappy head!” (Look at his head in that photo.) Bishop Thomas Weeks Homosexual Affairs & Looking For a Wife. Honey Hush!! He ought to quit. He is living a life of being a hypocrite while enjoying his lavish lifestyle of fortune. How he gets his cash? …

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Who Will Paula White Marry Next?

Who Will Paula White Marry Next? Since it has been said Paula White and her husband Pastor Randy White divorced, it will not surprise us who she will try to get with next. There has been news she has been sleeping around and making advances to black men. She has been hanging with Donald Trump, …

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Bishop T. D. Jakes Is Slick Removing His Earring

Did you know T. D. Jakes has tried to get his photos fixed so people will not know he wore and earring to his daughter, Sarah’s wedding. Why? Isn’t it too late? Why erase what has already been seen by millions of people. Although, he has attempted to camouflage those photos, he realizes that too …

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